Thursday, February 23, 2006
*twiRliNg in cIrclES..*
The middle of exams aint's a holiday paradise... a million places I wish to be but stuck in my room, with the cd player and a whole stack of notes in my hand..half of which seem foreign to me. Maybe my memory bank is failing me..I'm sure I've studied those notes.>.< Even physically within the confines of my room, my mind brings me the crazy times I've been the fantasies of my future.*grinz* Studying is so not sImPle~
aii, been through a though paper today..with an annoyingly runny nose. I requested for tissue once..ran out and the invigilator never bothered to offer i was dying.literally...but at least that's over...all I can do is pray about my results. I studied myself silly yesterday..I tried my best..thank hengie, for praying. appreciate it soooo much! It's such a big release to have just OnE more paper to go~
Oh ya..hee..on the recent budget speech...PM Lee Hsien Loong was wearing a pInK shirt! ha ha. before u fall on me for being so bimbo-ish. Let me redeem myself by saying...that was NOT the first thing i noticed lah. I was listening and observing the other ministers..out of curiosity.and suddenly i noticed..pInK shirt. It was kinds of a light kinda pInK..and contary to wad u would start thinking..he looked good in it. rEaLLly!!I didnt get the chance to listen to the whole talk thou..but i was readin in the papers on the budget allocation..
I just wish the government would put aside some money for scholarships...for young adults who have a passion to pursue their dream, what they want to study. They may be the middle class family..that means they dont qualify as needy but..overseas study does not prove affordable..yet, their results are not fantastically high..are we not to be given a hope and chance to pursue our dreams? Is it not proven that high academic results students...does not equal a successful working citizen? as long as we come back with a degree...for something we truly have a passion for, shouldnt we be supported??? sigh. Then again, wishing are for the people who have their heads in the clouds heh? hMm..
Went with mommy n lyanna to plaza sing today. it was mainly to get our ring, a symbolic reminder for the 'true love waits' pledge we are doing in church on sat. To me, that pledge is so important. In the edge of 'open mindedness' or so they term it,sex is something u give to your boyfriends...and it's ok. But are we willing to compromise our standards and belief that sex is made FOR the confinements of marriage and that it's such a special gift you give to your spouse after marriage? The union of 2 becoming 1...the creation of a soul tie..the beauty and purity of sex...I give it only to one. and so should you. :)
and oh ya!! bought 'PigGy pOo' today! my new soft toy pig!! hah ha..she's so cute..i cant resist her..ha ha..lets show u some pics..hee
Me n piggy pOo!
piggypoo on my bed! ha haa last paper on tues..pray for me, you guys~~ I'm determined not to land in IMH!! ha ha ha
*Jesus take the wheel...I cant do it on my own..*
Friday, February 17, 2006
GrEen Tea DrEAms~~
Greeen tea ice creammm!! I found my green teeea icee creeam!! and it was on offer!! haha. it's one of those time when u love just NTUC. *grinz* ahh..I feel love overflowing~~~ Heaven n Earth jasmine green tea..Heaven n Earth gui hua green tea...and dried pineapple are some of the stuff u kinda got addicted too recently..ya. quite a green tea babe. But I'm still a lover of i love sweet green tea! not at all traditional..I know..but tis good! I'll support the sugar factories!! ha the lose weight society while i'm at that
it's all rachel's fault! haha...she HAD to give me some when I went her house the last time~~ and now I got addicted to it!! bleh..hehe. so here's reccomending haagen daz green tea ice cream to all sweet green tea lovers out there!! ha ha..grab the's a once in a long while that I reccomend something that's nOt piNk! ha it's gotta be good! yumm~
eee..well, my legs are still twitching from lack of dance practices...>.<
*What will I be without Your love?~*