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Sunday, February 27, 2005

Down's the word.
Maybe it's PMS..*pout*
It's THE time when you feel like there's so much things to be done..yet, all you wanna do is...sLeEp..
But sleep doesnt necessary come either..So you're left hanging..
Fustrated over school dance...I trust my pratner 1 jump too little..
I really dun know what i can do to help publicity..den I get scolded for no rhyme or reason..
I dun understand their kinda dance..I really dun.
I'm tired...Yet, I dun wanna be a quitter...

Not equiped for wordly dancing..
Feelin soOo insecure in your partner's arms in NOT funny
(I hav no idea why people think it's cute)
hmm..maybe I'm just lousy...Sigh...Tommorw's monday and I'm feelin like that already??ArGh..I need a lifeline...A hug..and cuddle..Oh Jesus...I wanna hear from you..

Looking on the brighter side..we had a fantastic PAN(Parent's Appreciation Night) yesterday.
hehe.affectionately known as (PiNk appreciation night) by PiNk enthusiastists..haha.
The dance turned out great. yay...DwAyNe!hehe. My dear patner.haha.
And the Easter skit's coming out really fine..whee

Say..anybody interested in my school concert?
hmm..Sooo sad.it falls on 11th March..Fri..Got Prayer and Priase...SiGh..Prayer and Praise regulars...GO prayer and praise!hehe..

Dear Jesus..my life I once again turn over to you..In Jesus name..i rebuke the demons from my life.Leave me alOoNEeEe!!!!Cos I'm a child of God..=)

Scribbled at 11:03 PM

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Another day to sch..yeps. bored in the train now...yAwN..Den again. it' so MY fault for choosing a school in the other end of the IslAnD.hahaSo..i decided engaged in something productive..there..bloggin.hehe.Yawn~ sleepin is so NOT productive.. ^^
The sun shines brightly today.It's another new day. Programming my system in progress...to the chaos of another day..*beep**beep*...Short-fusion is so rampant in me these couple of days..Perhaps it's things i wanna do but cant't accomplish.Perhaps it's my results oriented frinds..I think it's just me..sooo sorry if I've yelled at you these past days...Grumpy piggys behave like boars.. ^_^*It's so nice to write all these down..then it gets outta your system*
lalala..I'm so grateful that God's mercies are new every morning.. =)Thank goodness..=) I pray, Lord, that I'll live a life worthy of You today.Help me Lord, for you take the weak and make them strong.Give me the joy that flows from you, that casts out the dark..the pain..the lonlinessUse me as I am to glorify your name,Amen.
hmm..on my way to school to go culture somemore bacteria.Hehe..gotta practice the streaking technique for prac test next week..hmm. Bacteria's kinda stinky..But..it'fun to see their colonies.. ^^And they all die after that...poor things..Hope I get to culture coloured samples one dayyy...
Dance..dance..yes..I seem to live, breathe dance nowadays.CCA is so bombarding me with so many dance..gotta rush for upcoming concert on 11th marchHeyyyy..who wanna come watch???tickets are only $5 a piece and it's held in my sch!Come support me..if not to see me fall off the stage.haha.
I shall NOT be discouraged..I might not be the best dancer..But I', God's lil' dancer..sighh..sometimes..i feel like I'm not good at aNyThiNG at all..But today's not ganna be the same!!Today..and everyday, God's name shall be glorified!
my God, my Father, my Teacher, my Best Friend.I loVe yOu Jesus!

Scribbled at 11:19 PM

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

crazie busy week. Wonder how I got into this state..
Bloggin for the sake of bloggin..
maybe it's a kind of fulfillment..in a wEiRd kinda way, it's fun to read wad you yourself have been up too.haha.

Chem test tmr! aHhhH...Pray hard..chem has never been my cup of tea..
The wonders how much things students have to memorise..
EnGliSh...*pout* I miss EnGliSh...

Maybe I'm not makin much sense today.. ...
Aniwae..cultured somemore bacteria today..which I will observe tomorrow..
After that..they..will..well..dIe..*grinz* Poor bacteria.
And there's a project to do..report to rush..dance tomorrow..dance of fri..dance on sat..sun..dance...dance..dance..whee!hehe. Pity I dun seem to lose weight from it thou..
All the studying makes me crave for more fOod! Geez..

It's so late already..think i'll go..pack up..PrAy..real hard..sob..test =(...
If only there are more hours to a day
If only there are lesser hours to sch..
eEps..they even steal hols into CNY week..sigh~
Then when do they expect study time to be??!!
AhHh...survivor of the sTuDenT!
hmm..kk..stop crappin LyD..-_-'''

k now...good night people! *muacks*
** to God be the glory for eva and eva. Amen!**

Scribbled at 11:38 PM

Friday, February 18, 2005

Iam lookin for friendship, not seniorship
I wan love, not compassion
I wan to be understood..not to be ignored
I wan my God to be preached and glorified in all the earth.

Sigh..i'm troubled.
Black cloudy clouds float in the way of my vision..
Yet, I strain to locate the silver linning in the cloud...
The bright beam of light in the horizon..
My heart lies heavy as i reflect upon my life..upon my days..
i wish i could have studied more..I wish I could have done more..
I wish I could have said the right words..I wish I could be more extrovert...
I wish I could have shared God more... I wish I could be more efficient..
But I dun know how to do it...
Wishin doesn get anything done...

song upon my heart:
You are Magnificient, Eternally, Wonderful, Glorious..
Jesus...no one ever will compare to you..Jesus...

I does wonders to know that, Jesus, you are always there for me..
even...no..EspEciAlly when I am down and out..
When I feel unloved..when I just wanna have a real friend..I know you're always there..
If only I knew how to connect...
My lifeline..my every present help in trouble...
I LoVe yOu, Jesus.. just..help me to share you...

I wanna priase Your name fOreVer...
I wanna live in Your embrace
I wanna abide under the shadow of the Almighty
I wanna learn Your ways..I wanna walk the way..
OnE wAy! JesUs!
I shall not be covered my the troubles of this world,
For by Your grace, mercy and love..
I am Set FrEe!!!
And Father..I lOve yOu!

Scribbled at 11:42 PM

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

*~ ThE bAtTlE oF The BeEtLe~*

Brown big ugle flying noisy beetle...
It died last night..
at the hands of my Dad..
summoned my the cry of his darling daughter...ME
Ya Lor.
Poor beetle..but then again, it made me lose sleep tooo..
And it goota die..someday...right??
I so contradictory today....Poor beetle...
die beetle..arGh..haha

Today was fun...
brough eNo out..
me, daph n ernie..
to steamboat...
where we ate..aLot.
Then it was home for me with a goal of finishing my report
WhEe! finally..it's done and ready to be handed up tmorrow!
haha...we had a brisk walk session in east coast toOo..
That was good..maybe..If I walk and dReAm of toned muscles..I would get it? hmm
day dreaming is good!..

I'm currently engaged in a msn game with my fren now..
And i keep losin..hmm..
with the drowsy state my mind is in...ya..
*good excuse*haha
But i shld tie this up..yawn..so tired..

Scribbled at 11:35 PM

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I need so much to feel your touch, Oh Lord
To know that you are with me
Your will I've chosen as my own
But I am so alone...
I danced that song quite a long while ago
It just came into my head
And for some reason, It makes a whole lotta sense..
Maybe I'm just lonely..
MAybe it all in my head...
Hmm, today..it's the day after Valentines..
hehe. I spent valentines in sch this yr..with work work work and more work.
BleH! I bet nobody envys me.hahahaha
Found out poly students are lacking in romatic-nism too..
noOo flowers for moi this year..
but Thnx MicHelLe..for the keychain..wOrm =)
haha..means lots. pLus it's pInk!
The wackiest color in the universe!!haha
We're still somewhere within the 15 days of CNY..haha..
this years xtra hongbao money goes to books! yay!! and cds and more books!
I saw some books at Life bookshop and True Vine that caught my eye =)..haha
I'm comin at ya! yayy..
Maybe there'll be some left for manga toOo..maybe..just maybe..
But so busy..not so much time for manga liaoz hehe.
Estastic, passionate love...
That's wad I hope for..
Who I love???----> JeSuS! duh!haha..
cos He never fails...
I always dream human partner love could be that way...
But maybe I dream too much..hmm maybe..
Like wad made love bites love bites?
I haven seen 1 before...
haha...thankfully God doesnt bite?hehe...
I always look round and wonder..
Y do couples even bother to be together when they wun even acknowledge that they're together infront of others??
If that's love, it's pathetic love...
That y...
JeSuS..I will shot your praise in all the earth!!hehe
Oink! love God love God..love GoD!!!
I'm Not ashamed of the Gospel!
ashamed of myself...I guess so..
Y can't i do more.... ....
But the Bible is a whirlwind of adventures! hehe
yepyep...luv u ppl!..
ah yes...today must say....
Happie Birthday Lynette!!!
Happie Birthday Eno~~~~
May your birthdays be full of joy and laughter
And Godly love!!
Have a blessed birthday!!!!

Scribbled at 9:29 PM

Sunday, February 13, 2005

YayYy! BoIng..bOing...*drop orange*oOps!!!
today's CNY celebration in church. and it was great!!haha
I did my two dances...without fallin down...wHeE~~
Just felt a bit woozy after that...
think it's cos of too mnay butterflies in my BiGg tummy..combined with stomach pangs and too much dancing...hmm..haha.
But hApPie hApPiE aniwaes!hehe

And haha...*nEwsfLaSh*
Daph n Dwayne sang a chinese song today...part of the praise and worship la.hehe
ChInEse!hehe..so cool...i know i was amused..hehe.
But they did a great job! *hugz* LeAvE iT To tHe pRos!! =)

Oh yea, had a bbq at Jordan's house a while ago...
hmm, wasn too bad, nice ppl..
Food...leaves much to be desired..thou i do appreciate it cos i'm not the cook. ^^
CoMpAnY wasn too great thou..if his frens do intend on getting drunk and not goin sch the next day...
~sigh, might say i'm k-po, but i'm sad for them..
Getting drunk is fun? bleh..so not attractive..
thou alcohol now n den in sMaLl amounts is nice.. *hic*haha.
NOoOoo..i din drink..haha.

yawn...i'm tired..haha...before i tumble int0 cRaP land...
I shall retire to bed..haha

wanna say...I lOvE you my frens!! You are God's gift to mi!! *muackz*

*One wayYy..JeSuS!!! You'rE thE oNlY One thAt I couLd lIvE fOrRrr!!*

Scribbled at 10:29 PM

Friday, February 11, 2005

haha.. feeling happie wif meself cos I finished doin the pics for a flash Bao's gonna help me wif..hehe
Thanx bAo BaoOo...
Me=computer illiterate..
So i'm happie.haha.
Now Marky's helpin me host the song..
if all goes well, it'll be up soOon! wHeEe!!
Maybe it'll drive Chad up the wall cos he's not a fan of that song, heh..haha..
Happie hApPiE!!

sigh, dun be tOo hapPie lydia!!!
RepOrT nOt dOne!!!!
Chem test next week!
double aRgHhh!!!

But dance on Sunday! yayy...
cept it's still stressing me out..
dance steps aside, wad am I gonna wear??
hmm...think brain, think!

lalala, tmr, if all goes well, I get to collect mroe ang baos!
cos goin class mate visiting tmr! yay
lets not paint it, oh so beautiful...
we're supposed to be doin our project
the falsh thingy actually,
but now that I've enlisted Bao's help...*Thank Bao aGaIn!!!*haha
I dun noe if there's much to do actually...sIgHh
leavin it to my classmates..i somehow dun think anything would be done..sIgHh..
*thAnk bAo~~~*haha

Now gettin lAuGheD at my MaRkY n JaWn...
sigh, the 'jOyS' of being computer illiterate..hahaz
now i shall go to see wad I can tie up b4 bed...yawn~
my bed's beckoning....

~ThE jOy oF tHe LorD iS mY sTrEngTh~~~

Scribbled at 1:04 AM

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

[Rachael Lampa--> Always be my home]

Your heart will always be my home
No matter where I go
No matter what may come
You'll be my shelter in the storm
A harbor safe and sound
Where only true forgiveness can be found

But still...I wanna run away
And go it all alone
When will I ever learn from my mistakes?

I can't live without your love
Cause your eyes have seen beyond the things I'm guility of
I wont be afraid to turn back down the road
Cause your heart will always be my home

And when I've cried a thousand tears
You've always wiped them dry
And watched me as I spread my wings and fly
To a place where holiness begins
And mercy never ends
And I will find my freedom once again

You hands are always open
To catch my when I fall
I feel a millon miles away
But that's no distance at all...

yea, that's the song I've chosen to dance this Sunday...
A song of hOpE, of lOvE, of jOy, of FrEedOm
And in many ways, it just seems to relate to me.
I've stumbled so many times into the lure of the world
I've cried so many tears of hurt, of pain, of anguish.
Yet, God doesnt give up ob me...He never does.
In the end, His perfect LovE always brings me back
And as i spread my wings in fly in his ways, that's where I find peace, joy and fReedOm!
And a shelter under the wings of the almighty.

It's true, I can't live without His love..
What will I be then?
I am only make strong in his love, without Him, I am nothing.
just carbon when I die.

I wanna learn from my mistakes
I wanna dwell in your grace, your mercy
I wont look back down the road...
I wanna lIvE iN fReEdOm!!!

It's so real, God's love...
A home, a shelter to turn to where you'll only find loVe...

^^Lord, make me strong in You... ...^^

Scribbled at 10:47 PM

Sunday, February 06, 2005

tears of joy, of laughter, of pain..of just, well, tears.
Sometimes life is like a jigsaw puzzle..everything is a mess of jigsaw pieces.
for awhile, it gets crowded wuth people gluing pieces together
then suddenly, everybody's gone.
Left are the messed up pieces..with OnlY you.
Maybe it's the fustrations..
Maybe it's school stress
Maybe it's expections
Maybe it's confusion
Maybe it's just the lack of sleep
...I dunno...
sighh. Thank goodness i still have my master creator..
I might not know best, but thankfully He does..
**I choose life**
**I choose to love, I choose to be the righteousness of God**

Hmm, curretly choosing a song to dance for CNY service next week, request of dear pastor =).
I'll do a song anytime...it's just the best way to praise God.
And heyy.. you're aLlowEd to express your love for God in front of the congregation doin what you love to do. Ain't that cOool.haha.
song..song..song..i'm settled on Rachael Lampa..hmm.track 3 or 11...hmm..*grunts*
haha..another song into the hands of God..wheEeee...
now, if I can get a dance partner, it would be great.hehe. =) if not, den well..hehe. it's another form of fReedOm!!

~We aRe cHiLdRen oF thE fAiTh, THoU we wAlK iN dIfFeReNt wAys, lEtS lIvE ouR liFe tO cElEbrAte tHe dAy oF fReEdoM!!!~
bouncing out,

Scribbled at 2:26 PM

Friday, February 04, 2005

You Are a Bright Star Soul
Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attentionIn fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on youYou need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivialAnd it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive
You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energyYou posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to defineA natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul

What Kind of Soul Are You?

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

Scribbled at 1:51 AM

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

cHocolates! I luv chocolates...they make me happie! and adversely, they make me fAt =( so, i'm supposed to keep off them while CNY is around the corner. Now, can somebody remind me why CNY is good and fun again??haaz.

Went out with mArky today to pass him a letter for Sara b4 he goes homee...back to perTh. sighh...take me wif u..marky? I wanna see sara. heez. Den again..must get over withdrawal sysptoms.heez.

Now, back to chocolates..haha. sUgAr Rush...i wan my sUgAr rUsH. When you dun get caffine drug for the day...I go for chocolates!!hehe. and me bloating up during exams or tests weeks is also due to cHoColatEs!!! yummy chocolates. And not all chocs are nice...but cadbury and meiji never fail! hehe. Now, wad am i doin? promoting chocolates.. ..hmm. maybe it's just craving, and i gotta get it outta my system.. gotta fit into CNY dress!! argh.haha. But I can still fantasise of chocolates!=)

Hehe...dear God, that you for cocca beans and for cHocOlatE! It's life's little crave satisfier, though it would be good if my stomach didnt like it so much that it decided to store it as adipose tissue..=(. haha. Love chocs, love my frens, love life, love God!!!! (i shall leave sChoOl outta this... ... ...)

Signing out... PiNk^pIg

Scribbled at 9:53 PM

Lydia Evangeline

~Knowing that perfect love casts out all fear, living in the truth, walking in the light~


My best friend and forever partner, Yewlim. (^_^)
My darlings! Sara and Rach =D
My family and friends (People who give me to strength to smile each day)
All things pink!
Candy. =D Everything's that no good for my teeth. *sob*

Prayer list

- for LOVE *grin*
- for a JOB

The Wishlist...

- A puppy!
- A digital paino!!! *need need need*
- A polaroid camera
- A mascara that can GROW my eyelashes =D

The Messages

The heartbeat..

Credits .

Editor: Me
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Imagehoster; photobucket